
Frequently asked questions

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To complement your weekly plan, you can add a plan of additional products such as fruits, brunch, wines and/or a barbecue kit.

You can choose either a one-time purchase or weekly. If you choose a one-time purchase, it will be a single charge and a single delivery (you can repeat as many times as you want!). If you choose weekly, an additional charge will be made each time your meal kits are charged and the additional products will be delivered along with the kits.

No problem! The plan is totally flexible (like your normal meal kit plan), you have time to make any changes before Friday at 11:59 pm. All products for the following week will be charged on Saturday morning; meal kits with or without additional products.

No, don't worry, they are independent plans. You can choose what to buy each week. One week only meal kits, the next meal kits + fruit, etc.

You’ll receive them with your next meal kit delivery.

We’ll only charge for the additional products you’d like to add.

When you sign up, you choose the price range and type (red, white or rosé) that you want to receive weekly. LetsCook changes the wines every month so that you can try different organic and local wines.

The additional plans are totally flexible just like the meal kits. You have time to make any changes each week until Friday 11:59 p.m. Then everything will be charged together on Saturday morning.